Thursday, January 10, 2019

Sunday, January 6, 2019

1/6/19 - Trash Service Update

1/6 - 3:00pm - The dumpster at the Kingsley location has been overfilled, please use the fairgrounds location until a replacement arrives (hopefully tomorrow).

Saturday, January 5, 2019

1/5/18 - Trash Service Update

1/5 - 12:45pm UPDATE - The full dumpster at the fairgrounds location has been replaced with an empty one. 

1/5 - 10:45am - Both dumpsters are FULL. Please do not deposit anymore trash until replacement dumpsters arrive. The fairgrounds location is scheduled for a replacement today, and the Kingsley location on Monday. PLEASE be patient, and don't be that person who keeps piling it on or next to the dumpsters.