Governor Laura
Kelly Signs Bill Extending Disaster Declaration, Allowing State to Continue
Leveraging Resources for Pandemic Recovery
TOPEKA - Governor Laura Kelly today signed
Senate Bill 14 into law, extending the State of Disaster Emergency Declaration
to March 31, 2021, and allowing for the continuation of certain resources,
support, and regulations critical to Kansas COVID-19 response efforts.
“Extending the current disaster declaration is essential
for our states COVID-19 mitigation efforts, allowing us to keep Kansans safe
and healthy, keep our economy open, and get our kids back in school as quickly
as possible”, Governor Laura Kelly said.
Among other resources and support, the disaster
declaration allows Kansas to provide community-based COVID-19 testing, provide
support to food banks and pantries, and provide hospitals and first responders
with Personal Protective Equipment.
Though there are a number of COVID-19 response measures
contained in SB 14, the key provision extends the current emergency declaration
to March 31, 2021, providing a measure of stability and certainty for the
states ongoing emergency response efforts.
The bill also contains the provisions of a number of
executive orders that the Governor has issued during the pandemic, such as
allowing establishments to continue the sale of alcoholic beverages for
carryout consumption, expanding the ability of physicians to use telemedicine,
and providing for temporary suspension of certain healthcare professional
licensing and practice requirements.
Senate Bill 14 becomes effective upon publication in an
emergency edition of the "Kansas Register" to be published tomorrow.
View the signed copy of SB14 here: