Wednesday, August 26, 2020

8/26/20 - First Fatality Related to COVID-19 Identified in Scott County


Scott County Health Department


NEWS RELEASE                                                                                              Contact: Edith Tarango

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                           County Health Officer

Date:    August 26th, 2020                                                                                          Phone: 620-872-5774


First Fatality of Coronavirus (COVID-19) Identified in Scott County

Scott County, Kansas– On Tuesday August 25th, 2020 the Scott County Health Department received confirmation of the first known death related to COVID-19 in Scott County. The Scott County resident was a male in his early 70’s with underlying conditions.

The Scott County Health Department staff sends their deepest condolences to the family in this difficult time. To protect the most vulnerable in our community please practice social distancing, wash your hands, and wear a face mask. 

At the time of this release, Scott County has recorded 90 total positive COVID-19 cases.

If you are experiencing symptoms such as a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider immediately. Do no visit in-person prior to receiving confirmation from that healthcare provider. Please adhere to the following recommendations:

·       Wear a face mask in public places

·       Avoid non-essential travel.

·       Follow all recommendations regarding self-quarantine

·       Avoid large gatherings

·       If you do need to go out in public, ensure you maintain six feet distance from other people, and wear a facemask.

The Scott County Health Department has worked closely on these decisions with numerous community partners, including Scott County Government, The City of Scott City, Scott County Emergency Management, Hospital, School District, and other local partners.

Scott County residents can stay informed by visiting the Scott County Health Department’s Facebook Page,, or

For general information, contact the KDHE phone bank at 1-866-534-3463 (1-866-KDHEINF) or email . You may also contact the Scott County Health Department information line at 620-872-5774 or email

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

8/17/20 - Governor Kelly Announces Executive Orders Temporarily Prohibiting Evictions and Foreclosures, Extends Motor Carrier Relief


Governor Kelly Announces Executive Orders Temporarily Prohibiting Evictions and Foreclosures, Extending Motor Carrier Relief 


TOPEKA – Governor Laura Kelly today signed Executive Orders #20-61 and #20-62 as part of her administration’s commitment to protecting Kansans’ health and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Executive Order #20-61 temporarily prohibits initiating any mortgage foreclosure or judicial proceedings, and any commercial or residential eviction efforts or judicial proceedings due to financial hardship resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic until September 15, 2020.


“COVID-19 remains a threat in our communities and is creating challenges for businesses and employees alike,”Governor Kelly said. “Kansas families who miss mortgage or rent payments due to lost wages will need our support until the Senate extends unemployment assistance. I will continue to do everything I can to make sure the people in our state can stay in their homes and protect their businesses.”


Executive Order #20-62 extends temporary relief for motor carriers from certain rules and regulations until rescinded, until September 14, 2020, or until the statewide State of Disaster Emergency expires, whichever is earlier. It is an extension of measures put in place by Executive Order #20-57.


“This order will allow our motor carriers to continue delivering much-needed supplies to Kansans who need them, and ease the burden on those who have a critical role in our state’s response to COVID-19,”Governor Kelly said.


The order lifts certain weight restrictions and permitting requirements to allow needed medical supplies, food shipments and other items to move through Kansas as quickly as possible. These exceptions apply only to motor carriers actively participating in COVID-19 response effort. 


To view E.O. #20-61, click here < Caution- > .


To view E.O. #20-62, click here. < Caution- > 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

8/11/20 - KDHE Amends Travel Quarantine List


For Immediate Release

August 11, 2020


KDHE amends travel quarantine list

Florida removed; mass gatherings greater than 500 added


TOPEKA – The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) has amended its travel quarantine list, removing the state of Florida and adding attendance at mass gatherings greater than 500 people. Additionally, those countries with a CDC Level 3 Travel Health Notice with restrictions remain.


This list is effective for all persons returning to or entering Kansas on the effective dates. The state will review/update this list every two weeks. A comprehensive list of those individuals needing to quarantine for 14 days includes visitors and Kansans who have:



Others needing to continue quarantining:

  • Anyone subject to a travel-related quarantine for a state or country previously on the travel-related quarantine list must complete their 14-day quarantine period.
  • Received notification from public health officials (state or local) that you are a close contact of a laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19.


Travel quarantines do not prohibit travel through Kansas. People from these locations may still travel through Kansas. If this is done, KDHE recommends limited stops, wearing a mask at rest stops or when getting gas and being 6’ from others when doing so. If the destination is Kansas, they would be required to quarantine upon arrival to their destination.


Critical infrastructure sector employees who have travelled to these destinations should contact their local health department regarding instructions for application of these quarantine orders while working. Critical infrastructure employees, such as public health, law enforcement, food supply, etc., need to have the staffing resources to continue serving Kansans so the local health department may allow a modified quarantine. Please note the only exemption for these quarantine mandates for critical infrastructure sector employees is work – they are not to go any other locations outside of work.

Monday, August 10, 2020

8/10/20 - County Resolution 2020-16 Face Covering Required

At a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners on Thursday, August 6th it was decided, with a 3-0 vote, to repeal the previous county resolution to opt-out of the Governor's Executive Order 20-52 requiring face coverings in public settings. County Resolution 2020-16 was signed at this morning's regularly scheduled meeting, requiring face coverings (masks) in venues where social distancing of six feet cannot be maintained for less than ten minutes. This includes both indoor and outdoor venues.